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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Congrats to Facebook and Twitter

 Facebook and Twitter and other social media outlets blocked the President of the United States yesterday for posting things that these companies did not agree with.  It was the ultimate in left wing censorship.

Be fair for a moment.  Trump has said many things about the election being stolen.  He has claimed that there was massive voter fraud to support Biden.  Tens of millions of Americans agree with him if the polls are to be believed.  One thing Trump never did, however, was to call for violence or any of the mess that happened at the Capitol yesterday.  No matter!  For the left wing social media elites, Trump was fomenting riots and violence by tweeting, etc to set forth his views about the validity of the election.  These self proclaimed final authorities now take it upon themselves to censor the President of our country.  They may not like what Trump says.  They can disagree with the facts he states or the arguments he makes.  They do not have the right to censor him, however.

Social media has now made it perfectly clear that they are on the side of the Democrats and the left.  Remember, these same people supposedly horrified by violence did nothing to stop BLM and its announcement of "peaceful demonstrations" that led to deaths, injuries, arson, looting and the like.  The same social media giants also never silenced the thugs of Antifa who commit all sorts of crimes in the name of "justice" and "anti-facism".  

There is no excuse for censorship by the social media companies.  Remember, Americans have the right to free speech and free assembly.  The content of what gets said or the point of the gathering does not matter.  No one should be censored.

There needs to be consequences for these social media companies.  What they are doing is unforgiveable.

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