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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Inflation? Who cares, say the Dems

 The USA is experiencing inflation of a sort not seen for about 40 years.  Prices are soaring but old Joe Biden says not to worry.  The price rises will slow and stop at some point in the future according to geriatric Joe.  The Dems and their support chorus in the mainstream media all repeat that "defense".

Are they kidding?  If you spend $40,000 per year on necessities for your family and inflation hits 6%, you need an extra $2400 or $200 per month just to buy the same stuff in the following year.  If inflation ends, that extra $2400 stays every year.  If inflation just slows, then the $2400 grows larger and larger each year.  Now if you're a millonaire Dem in the White House or Congress, you don't care cause the $2400 is penny ante stuff.  For the average American, however, this is a big big big problem.  The Dems' telling us all not to worry while doing nothing to end the problem is really nothing than another big lie from Biden and the Dems.  Do they really think they can fool us all?

Let's go Brandon!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Those Mean Republicans Citing Actual Facts

 I chuckled this afternoon as I read the latest "explanation" in The New Yorker telling us why inflation and supply chain problems are not Joe Biden's fault and how the Republicans are mean spirited for telling America the contrary.  That's a hoot!

When he came into office, Biden took immediate steps that have resulted in the USA producing about 12-15% less oil and gas today as it did in January of 2020.  If you take away 12-15% of the supply, guess what?  Prices go up and quickly.  Even worse, Biden's new regulations and restrictions will continue to reduce American oil and gas production in the coming years.  Prices will just get higher and higher as shortages continue.

Then there are the shortages of materials coming into our ports.  It seems that there just aren't enough trucks to carry all the goods that have to get to market.  Biden has done nothing to change this.  NOTHING!  When there were shortages of transport and materials during the COVID early days Trump's COVID task force run by Mike Pence got manufacturers to make more needed items like ventilators.  The Trump administration also used military personnel to transport needed items around the country to make sure that shortages were alleviated as quickly as possible.  Biden hasn't done anything of the sort.  In fact, the guy heading the Biden regime's response to all the shortages and port problems is Pete Buttigieg who left for 6 months paternity leave through the heart of the problem.  They didn't even get a replacement to run the Transportation department in his absence.  Things just drifted.  That's Biden management (or lack of management) for you.

The reality is that inflation and shortages are not SOLELY Biden's fault.  Still, he has done nothing to help solve the problems and he has done a whole lot to make them worse.  No amount of phony spin in lefty magazines like the New Yorker can change that basic truth.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Is This Real??

 The Washington Post just released a poll showing Biden's approval rating in the toilet and showing the GOP with the largest lead over the Dems in a generic poll of the last 40 years.  When I saw the numbers and the source, it made me wonder if the poll had been especially slanted by the Post in order to try to scare the Dems into changing their tactics.  For example, is the Post realizing that pushing "defund the police", "critical race theory", and the green new deal are going to result in the Dems losing Congress by a huge margin next year?  How better to scare the party's power brokers than to make things seem even worse than they actually are?

After a moment of thought, though, I dismissed my suspicions.  After all, Biden is truly in hot water.  He hasn't achieved a thing but has single handedly pushed higher prices, material shortages, and porous borders along with foreign policy disaster and gross overspending during his ten months in office.  Americans may not pay too close attention to Washington on a day to day basis, but Biden and the Dems are so bad that the reality has leaked out.  You can't tell a person paying $4.80 for a gallon of gas that drastically curtailing US energy production (which raised prices) was a good idea.  They figure out the truth - even in the face of lies from the White House.

If we're lucky, the public's anger at old Joe and his party won't dissipate by November of 2022.  Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and all the old Democrats need to go.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Big News At Climate Summit

 The climate summit in Glasgow is proceeding with there being three big items receiving news coverage;

1.  Joe Biden fell asleep during the speeches.

2.  Joe Biden let out a major fart while he was talking to Camilla, the wife of the Prince of Wales.

3.  The amount of carbon emissions from the fleets of private jets that brought the participants to Scotland for the meeting was incredibly enormous.

Not much news was made by what was actually said at the conference.

Friday, November 5, 2021

How Do we get them back to work

The October jobs report came out today.  The numbers were fine, but the media is hyping them as if they are outstanding.  They're not. The unemployment rate went down, but there are still about 4 million plus fewer people employed than before the start of the pandemic.  That's often attributed to the aging population, but that's just a lie used to cover up the truth.  The number of people of working age in the USA declined by about 200,000 people since the start of the pandemic but only if you don't count the million plus illegal aliens who came into the country since Biden got elected.  Those people more than make up for the 200,000 decline among working age citizens/legal immigrants.  NO, the decline in the work force comes from people who have decided to stop working and to rely on government payments for support.  Basically, you and I are paying them not to work.  It's a really bad situation since there are labor shortages all across the economy.

A second point that should not be missed in today's report is the big item that wages have gone up about 4.6% over the last year.  Sounds great, right?  The problem is that prices increased by over 1.5% more than that.  In other words, real wages went down.  An average worker didn't get enough of a raise just to keep up with the cost of living.  People across the USA understand that they are falling behind, but the media just can't bring itself to report that reality.  Instead, the media is still trying to paint things in a good light for president Biden.