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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Obama will never understand economics

Word out today is that president Obama is taking steps to prevent any offshore drilling off the east coast or in the eastern half of the gulf of Mexico for the next seven years. That's right, you read that correctly: no drilling off shore for the NEXT SEVEN YEARS!!!!! If the government wanted to do all possible to guarantee that the economy does not grow quickly and that the unemployed will not get jobs soon, this would be a great first step.

According to the AP: "President Barack Obama's earlier plan — announced in March, three weeks before the April BP spill — would have authorized officials to explore potential for drilling from Delaware to central Florida, plus the northern waters of Alaska. The new plan allows potential drilling in Alaska, but officials said they will move cautiously before approving any leases. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar planned to discuss details of the decision later Wednesday. He said in a statement obtained by the AP that the BP spill taught officials a number of lessons, 'most importantly that we need to proceed with caution and focus on creating a more stringent regulatory regime.'"

Is he freakin kidding? The US will "proceed with caution" to get "a more stringent reulatory regime"? It will take seven years to figure out how to supervise drilling off the coasts -- the type of drilling that has gone on for sixty years without serious problems until the BP spill? the US will import billions of barrels of oil from countries that hate us instead of producing its own energy with the profit and employment that such a move would bring??

I realize that folks like secretary Salazar and president Obama are high government officials and that it is appropriate to treat them with respect, but these guys are morons! Ignoramuses! They choose not to understand that domestic oil is the life blood of the US economy. They choose not to understand that the strength of the USA is directly tied to the strength of its economy and that they are sticking a knife in that economy. The choose to ignore that the folks told Washington in the election that jobs were the most important problem and the budget deficit was second. Now, they take a move that will kill tens of thousands of jobs directly and hundreds of thousands indirectly. They act in a way that guarantees that it will be much more dificult to bring down the deficit.

Obama has got to go! He really, really, really has got to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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