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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah -- Wow!

Governor Palin's acceptance speech to the RNC Wednesday night was, in my opinion, the most extraordinary vice presidential speech of any convention since televising the conventions began a half century ago. After all, the media has done all it could in the days since the announcement of her selection by Senator McCain to paint Governor Palin as a rube from Alaska, some kind of small-town trailer trash. She was a bad mother, a liar who faked her own pregnancy, a lightweight with no experience and a crazed religious fanatic rolled into one. Indeed, all of the liberal media establishment threw even the pretense of objectivity away and went after her like Kieth Olbermann on steroids. "Who cares about the facts -- we will just make stuff up as we go along" seemed to be their battle cry. All the years of stories about respecting the privacy of the children of public figures (Chelsea) or about the need to support women who chose to work outside the home were discarded as if they never existed. Sarah's statements to a church group that she needed their prayers and the help of the Almighty to govern successfully in Alaska was a dangerous confluencde of church and state. Apparently church attendance is appropriate for a political candidate only if the church preaches racial hate and denounces the USA as a racist state to be damned by the Lord.

Well, last night all that changed. I believe that even some in the media bubble will perceive that change. Oh, we will still be treated to a never-ending stream of anti-Palin stories and the double standard of the liberal press will still be much in evidence. Nevertheless, the audience will know the truth. Sarah Palin is a smart, confident, strong, informed, witty and relentless fighter. She will be a champion for America's common folks, not kowtowing to the self appointed elited in the newsroom and TV studios. She cares more what the people on main street think than what is being said about her at the parties in Hollywood or Georgetown.

In truth, the media frenzy to destroy Governor Palin may well turn out to be the most important weapon that the GOP has in its arsenal this year. Personally, I will never forget watching Sally Quinn being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly with regard to he repugnant argument that the governor's five children disqualify her from holding high office. Sally was actually confronted by someone who told her that her position was sexist and repugnant and she seemed completely at a loss as to how to respond to someone who was not genuflecting to her obvious (to her) superior intellect. It was, as they say, an emperor has no clothes moment.

The governor's speech was well delivered and well written. Indeed, I notice in watching the talking head on Fox, MSNBC, CNN and CBS that on each network, there was a discussion how the speech had been written for her. Isn't it strange that last week no one remarked on any of these networks that Biden's speech had been written for him. and no one commented the next day that Obama's speech had been written for him. Apparently, we are only to be kept informed about Governor Palin because she is (remember the talkng points) not smart enough to hold national office.

My take, however, is that liberal blowhard pundits better come up with a new plan. Right now, their fear of losing control is showing.

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