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Thursday, September 11, 2008

what does AP stand for?...Always Political

After the Palin interview by Charlie Gibson, the AP disseminated an article with the headline "Palin open to War". That surprised me, since I watched the interview and actually knew what Governor Palin had said. Governor Palin said was that she favored NATO membership for Ukraine and perhaps Georgia. When Gibson asked if that would lead to war, the essence of her response was to explain the NATO treaty and then say that it does not have to lead to war or even a cold war. Obviously, she did not take any options off the table, but she was not promoting a war or anything close to that. Just a few days ago, in the O'reilly interview of Obama, Senator Obama said that he would not take any options off the table in dealing with Iran -- and Obama made clear that he included military options among those that remained on the table. Funny, isn't it, there was no AP article at that point with a headline "Obama open to War".

The bias in the media never ceases to amaze me!

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