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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

BoJo On The Rise

Boris Johnson (or BoJo as he is knows in some British media) won the race for leader of the Tory party in the UK.  That will make him the next Prime Minister.  It was the expected result.

So now comes the hard part.  BoJo won the race, but now he has to deliver a government that accomplishes Brexit in the next 100 days and also governs Britain.  That will be difficult, but if Johnson pulls it off, he may achieve two political goals that will cement him in office for a long time.  First, if Brexit actually takes place, the reason for being of the new Brexit party will be gone and the 20 to 25% of the public that is now supporting that party can return back to the old major parties.  Second, the seeming inability of the Tories to get anything done under the May regime will have ended.  Johnson will then be able to contrast Tory rule with the increasingly bizarre and hateful positions taken by Labour under Corbyn.  Jeremy Corbyn has already managed to get support for Labour to fall below 30%.  That isn't going to recover if Johnson achieves his goals, but the Tory support will rise back to normal levels.  It could give the Tories an insurmountable lead for the near term.

Hopefully, Johnson will achieve the goals he has set for Britain.  The Brits have had ineffective government for just too long.  The world needs a stable UK so that it can be a force for good.  A success by Johnson would help achieve that.

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