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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Is There Law Or Not?

The cliche is that the USA is a land of laws not people. Supposedly the law is enforced no matter who you are if u break the law

Wouldn’t it be nice if that were true.  Sadly, there’s a huge group of Dems who don’t think laws they don’t like should be enforce. Immigration laws get them crazy. Criminal laws also set them off. For example in New York over 25% of people riding the buses don’t pay because they know nothing will happen to them. The City doesn’t enforce the law under Comrade Bill DeBlasio.   Street robberies for small amounts are also not enforced by the Dems. Regular people suffer as a result.

Then there’s the other extreme.  The same Dems who won’t enforce the actual laws that get broken go all out to smash their political opponents even if they haven’t broken the law.  The obvious example is the BS Russian collusion nonsense. How many times did the Dems convict the President even though nothing happened?

Then there’s the Dems who violate the law but nothing happens.   Think of the Obama DNI Clapper who blatantly lied to Congress under oath. Think of Jim Comey or John Brennan who also lied. Mueller put people in prison for much much less.

So do laws mater?  Sadly, they don’t for the Democrats. 

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