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Sunday, August 15, 2021

It's Undemocratic and Unconstitutional

 You have to laugh at the typical response from the Democrat shills in the media to the recent polling in the California recall election.  The Democrat governor of that state is facing an election as to whether he will remain in office or be removed by the voters.  Two million people signed petitions to bring about this election.  Now all California voters will make the decision on the governor's future.  The funny thing is that polls show the election very close with the momentum moving against the governor.  In typical fashion, the media arm of the Democrats (the mainstream media) is now denouncing the recall election as undemocratic and unconstitutional.  It's hysterical.  Letting California's voters decide the future of their governor in an election is "undemocratic".  Giving power to the people is unconstitutional?

The reality is that the Democrats are scared that they could lose power in Sacremento.  Oh, the horror!  And if they lose, it must be undemocratic, right?  

The truth is that this is just another new low for the media.

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