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Monday, August 30, 2021

Leve No One Behind

 In the proud tradition of the US armed forces, the statement is often made that they leave no one behind.  Old Joe Biden has changed that.  He left a ton of people in Afghanistan.  That's Americans, not Afghans.  Biden didn't leave one or two or even ten or twenty.  He left way more than 50, indeed, way more than a hundred.  Biden left many hundreds and perhaps many thousands of American citizens stranded in Afghanistan in the clutches of the Taliban.  No doubt Biden will tell us that the Taliban are just nice men trying to get by in a cruel world.  After all, we only spent twenty years at war with them.  They must be nice, right?  They're using American helicopters as scaffolds and literally hanging people from them as they fly over the capital city, but Joe must think these are a partner for future progress, right?

In the single most idiotic move ever, Biden decided to pull out US forces without first taking American citizens out of the country or even giving those people a chance to depart.  It was worse than cutting and running.  It was an act of calculated cruelty and cowardice.  Biden has exposed huge numbers of Americans to torture and death.  He must be so proud.  No doubt someone in the media will nominate JoJo for the Nobel Peace Prize, although in his case it might be the Nobel Piece of CRAP prize.  The only thing that Biden's presidency will be noted for is that in the first half year in office, Biden made all other presidents look like shining heroes.  He's a shoo-in for worst president EVER!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Roz said...

I agree 100 percent.