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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Someone Needs To Explain This

 For almost 20 years, the USA has worked to build up the army of Afghanistan.  Now that country is being taken over by Taliban terrorists as Joe Biden ignores the mess and tries to re-enact the fall of Saigon.  Someone needs to explain where the Afghan army is.  Why are they just collapsing in the face of the Taliban?  What happens to all those women who went to school in the last two decades?  Will the Taliban just execute them?  How about everyone who worked for the government in Afghanistan?  Will the be tortured, killed or just re-educated?  There are literally millions of Afghans at risk of death at the hands of the Taliban but Joe Biden seems unconcerned.  His big issue today seems to be what flavor pudding they will serve with his lunch.  It's a true disgrace!

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