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Thursday, August 12, 2021

So the "Good" war is lost

 I know it isn't politically acceptable to remind people of what Democrats have said in the past, but the current collapse of the Afghan government and the impending victory by the Taliban is too important to ignore (unless you are a reporter for the New York Times).  As I write this, the Taliban have taken eleven provincial capitals in the last week since their offensive began.  The Afghan army into which the USA poured huge resources has just cut and run.  Collapse is too nice a word for it.  It's more a disappearance than a collapse.  Things have gotten so bad inside Afghanistan that Biden is sending at least 3000 marines just to guard the US embassy and to protect our other troops as they are pulled out of the country.  It looks just like the fall of Saigon in 1975.  It's a total and embarrassing American defeat.

The strange thing is that Biden and his people had many months to plan the withdrawal.  They didn't do it though.  They had plenty of time to reach an agreement with the Taliban that would have delayed the Taliban takeover until after we were gone.  They didn't. Instead we have chaos, disaster and total embarrassment for the USA.  Sounds just like what Biden would want.

In 2008, Barack Obama campaigned for months against the Iraq War.  He always said that our efforts in Afghanistan were valid but Iraq was a mistake. He called Afghanistan the "good war".  Once he and Biden won, they sent over 100,000 troops to Afghanistan to finish off the Taliban once and for all.  Of course, as soon as the troops got there, Obama/Biden announced a phased withdrawal and put severe limits on the freedon of action of our forces.  The result was that the war was never won and the Taliban learned that our words and deeds were not consistent.

It truly pains me to think of the thousands of American soldiers who have died in Afghanistan only to be abandoned along with the Afghan people as Biden cuts and runs.  I'm truly furious.

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