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Friday, July 31, 2020

Biden Caves To The Far Left Again -- Now He Supports Stacking the Supeme Court

Joe Biden has less spine than a jellyfish.  He has been bowing to the demands of the far left for so long that he no longer seems to have any ideas himself.  Biden's latest surrender to the left came today on the issue of -- what he calls -- structural change to federal courts.  Simply put, structural change means increasing the number of judges on the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals so as to have a huge number of new far left judges appointed to the bench.  It is a reaction to President Trump's appointment of many conservatives to the federal bench.  Instead of waiting for judges to retire or otherwise leave the bench before replacing them, the crazy left wants just to add so many new judges that they regain total control over the judiciary that they used to enjoy.  A few months ago, Biden said he opposed that move.  Today, he endorsed it being included in the Democrats' platform for 2020.  

Think about this.  The Supreme Court has had 9 members for as long as anyone can remember.  The left doesn't care; they want to expand it to 15 so that all decisions will be won by the left.  The courts of appeals are also to be stacked so that only left wing positions prevail.  Forget democracy and the American system.  The left wants power at all costs and Biden won't even stand up to protect the rules taht made our country great.

Just imagine what would happen if Biden were ever to become president.  He would be bullied into doing whatever the crazies on the left wanted.  It would be a complete disaster for America.

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