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Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Latest From Lying Dick Blumenthal

Senator Richard Blumenthal of CT, known far and wide as "lying Dick", is at it again.  Today he tweeted that President Trump's agents are "disappearing"  the "peaceful protesters" in Portland, Oregon.  It was bad enough when "fat Jerry" Nadler told America that the violent protests in Portland were a myth.  Having mobs of thugs on video destroying small businesses and cars, attacking people and trying to burn down the federal courthouse night after night, apparently had no impact on fat Jerry.  He just lied about what was happening.  Lying Dick has taken it one step further, however.  He adopts the BS "peaceful protesters" lie, but he goes further to bad mouth the federal marshals who are protecting the courthouse and federal property in that city.  Now, they are just Trump's agents, and even worse, they are "disappearing" the poor victims, those supposedly peaceful protesters.  Lying Dick equates honorable federal marshals who are risking their lives, with Mob hitmen  who are kidnapping and disposing of these poor, poor victims.

Look, if you want to be a successful Democrat these days, it's clear you have to lie.  But attacking honorable federal employees who are just doing their job, the job required by laws passed by Congress that included Lying Dick, is really disgusting.

I know it won't happen, but Connecticut should make sure to dump Lying Dick the next time he comes up for election. 

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