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Saturday, July 18, 2020

He Never Said That -- Except He Did

On July 10, the AP did a fact check regarding whether or not Joe Biden "gave his full support" to defunding the police.  The AP fact checkers said that "Biden said he supports redirecting some police funding to address mental health or to change the prison system."

What does that mean?  Biden wants to take funds from the police and use those funds for other purposes.  In other words, Biden wants to defund the police, not totally but partially.

In New York City, the mayor and the City Council have decided to take about a billion dollars from the police to use for other purposes.  Mayor DeBlasio calls that defunding the police.  The City Council billed that as defunding the police.  They say that because it is "defunding the police".  In other words, they take funds from the current police appropriations.

Tomorrow, President Trump will appear on Fox News Sunday.  We've already heard from FNC that the President mentioned that Biden wants to defund the police and that host Chris Wallace jumped in to say that this claim was not true.  Except it is true.  You see, Biden's campaign has announced that he does not support defunding the police, so Wallace points to that.  Biden himself, however, not only said he wants to take money from the police (defunding them), but he's even told us where he wants to use that money.  The AP reported on that statement in detail a week ago.  Without a doubt, there will be an avalanche of articles from the mainstream media saying that Trump lied about Biden's position.  These hacks write articles to protect Biden.  The problem is that Trump didn't lie.  Biden really said he wanted to reduce funding to the police, i.e., to defund the police.

There are many Biden statements that the media just doesn't cover.  My favorite, and perhaps the most shocking, is an old one that Biden made when he was first in the Senate.  He opposed racially integrating schools and said that combining black and white students in schools would make them into "racial jungles".  The guy made clearly very racist statements, but no one covers that.  Where is Black Lives Matters?  Shouldn't Biden be cancelled for not just making these statements but for fighting against integration for nearly five years?  Roseanne got bounced from her show for making a joke about an Obama advisor that could be interpreted as a racial smear.  She apologized but it didn't matter.  She never worked for racist causes, however.  At colleges, some professors and administrators have been fired or forced out because they scheduled conservative speakers on campus.  They were accused of fomenting hate speech -- even though that was untrue.  Biden, however, actively fought for the racist cause for YEARS!  He likened schools with blacks in them to JUNGLES.  There's plenty of video of his saying just that.  But the media says nothing.  Black Lives Matter movements say nothing.  Other Democrats say nothing.  Joe gets a free pass.

America deserves to know that truth.

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