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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Let's Paint the Town Red

There's an old expression for wild celebrations called "painting the town red".  It seems New York's idiotic mayor Bill DeBlasio is taking that one to heart.

In the last day, DeBlasio took part in painting another street with the logo Black Lives Matter.  This time the sign is in Queens, near Jamaica.  While DeBlasio was out spending the day painting signs, another dozen or so New Yorkers were shot on the streets of the city.  Crime is rising rapidly across the city.  Some types of assaults are up by more than 70% from the same time last year.  And remember, this year, there are fewer people out and about because of the virus.  That means that the number of people on the street who are getting assaulted in percentage terms is up by something like 200%.  DeBlasio's only answer has been to paint murals and to cut the funding of the police, the only group that can actually REDUCE crime.

New York City struggled mightily under mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg for 20 years to become the safest large city in the USA  Its low crime rate was the envy of the other large metropolises across North America.  DeBlasio has managed in just a few years to throw away all the progress and to return to the bad old days when New York was a murder and mayhem capital.  The leftists who back DeBlasio may not care, but it surely won't be long until the exodus of folks out of the city turns into a flood.  Why stay there if you can afford to leave.  Why face congestion that led to extraordinary death numbers from COVID, high and rising crime and an exorbitant cost of living.  On top of this, the stay at home orders showed all sorts of people that they can work for the most part at home.  No need to go to crime infested Manhattan for work.  The last time NY City faced something like this, it lost about 15% of its population and nearly went bankrupt.  Once Giuliani took office, things turned around and NYC regained its luster.  That may not happen this time.  DeBlasio may have started New York on the path to destitution.  It may soon become Detroit on the Hudson.

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