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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Defund the Unionized Public Schools

Across the country, there are a great many teachers' unions who are threatening strikes if they are ordered back to work and the schools get reopened.  The main issue seems NOT to be COVID, but rather political nonsense.  In California, one teachers' group says it won't return to work unless the police are defunded.  Others want higher coverage for Medicaid (which doesn't affect any of the teachers' union members.  Still others want parts of the Green New Deal put in place or other steps to fight climate change before they will return to work.  This is not an exhaustive list.  All sorts of left wing pet projects have become essential to the teachers before they will return to teach the children.

It seems to me that it is time to defund the teachers' unions.  If they don't go back to work, they shouldn't get paid.  And all payments should stop as soon as possible.  Let the teachers no longer be "working" from home where they do little while the kids vegetate.  There's no reason for taxpayers to pay teachers to refuse to work so that they can push for ridiculous left wing policies.  

Just imagine if the city council in a major city were to pass an ordinance cutting off salaries to teachers who refuse to return to work.  The City could indeed, hire replacements and leave the old teachers to stew in their unionized poverty.  Educating the children is too important to let these political animals handle it.

From here on, it's time to Defund Unionized Public Schools.

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