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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A New Low

There has been a spate of articles recently which seem to be pushing the US economy towards a recession.  We get columns that claim to be "economic analysis" that tell us how the economy is teetering on the edge of the cliff of recession.  The problem with those articles, of course, is that the statistics don't support that view.  We get horror stories of all the damage that the so called trade war is doing to American companies and consumers, except here too there is little to support this view.  Now we are getting people on the left who are actually calling for a recession as a way to try to defeat President Trump's re-election.  It's a new low for the anti-Trump left, and that is truly saying something major.

When Trump was falsely attacked for collusion with Russia, it was low and dishonest, but at least it was directed at Trump.  The same is true of the constant phony claims that Trump is a racist.  Those claims of racism do damage the fabric of our society by making some people believe that racism is more prevalent than is the actual case.  Pushing the economy towards recession, however, is different.  That's a tactic that will result in real damage to a great many people.  Democrats claim that they are for the little people, the common man.  It is exactly these people who will get hit the worst by a recession, however.  In short, the Democrats latest strategy to defeat Trump seems designed to attack those who they claim to support in hope that the resulting pain will be blamed on Trump rather than on them.  It's an idiotic strategy, but it is also a mean and disgusting one.  It's hard for me to believe that anyone who recognizes this strategy by the Dems could ever vote for them again. 

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