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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein's "friends"

According to reports, Jeffrey Epstein "committed suicide" while in prison two days ago.  I don't want to address the rumors pertaining to his death, just the news coverage of his life.  On Friday, just before he died, court documents were unsealed that identified some of the men who supposedly were involved with Epstein's sexcapades with underage girls on his private island and elsewhere.  Aside from Bill Clinton, who was a frequent guest on the island, the biggest names were Britain's Prince Andrew and the former Senate Majority Leader, Democrat George Mitchell.  The British press had a field day with the accusations against Prince Andrew (who totally denies involvement with underage girls).  The American media, however, keeps talking about connections between Epstein and President Trump even though there is nothing in these documents that claims that Trump was ever involved in any of this.  I read one account that pointed out that the father of one person allegedly involved got named the Mar-a-Lago employee of the year (he was a groundskeeper) when he was leaving to go elsewhere and that Trump wrote that he was eligible for rehire should he want to come back.  That's not a scandal; it's just silly.

There are pictures of Trump with Epstein.  That's no surprise; Epstein used to frequent Mar-a-Lago around 2000.  Trump, however, eventually barred him from the property because of alleged inappropriate behavior with young women.

Personally, I don't care much about this story.  Epstein is dead.  He admitted criminal acts in a federal prosecution over ten years ago.  I do think that if the media is going to make a big deal about unproven allegations against big shots, they should do it honestly.  Of course, I realize that's a lot to expect:  honest in the mainstream media.

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