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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Warren Peace?

With the recent bump for Elizabeth Warren in the polls of Democrats, it’s worth taking a moment to look at Warren’s views on foreign affairs. After all the president has nearly total control of that area. So what do we know here?  How would Warren change from Trump?

First of all, Warren does not like the military. She wants to cut the budget there to use the funds elsewhere. At least that’s what she says.

Second, Warren is not concerned about terrorism. She has said that many of the security measures in place are nothing but Islamophobia. There’s no word on how she would deal with any attacks beyond that

Third, Warren is against confronting China on trade or anything else. She thinks negotiations with no threat of consequences is the way to go. It’s a nice word for surrender.

Fourth, Warren also does not want to confront Russia and its aggressive behavior. Again she’s a  supporter of talk but no action.

Fifth, Warren is not a friend of Israel. She wants to go back to Obama’s fantasy that the Palestinians need make no commitment to peace. She also wants to restore the Iran agreement which gives Iran money and guarantees it nuclear weapons

Sixth, Warren opposes the USMCA agreement. The main reason seems to be because it was negotiated by Trump. She also wants to stop talking to North Korea mainly because that’s what Trump is doing.

There’s much more but none of it’s good. It seems pretty clear that Warren would be a disaster.   

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