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Friday, August 30, 2019

Here We Go Again

The first hurricane of the year to threaten the USA mainland is charging towards Florida.  Hurricane Dorian is likely to hit on Monday as a category 3 or 4 storm.  That's bad, but it says nothing about climate change.  The USA has been hit with major storms for as long as there has been a USA and before.  Of course, to the media and the professional climate crazies, that doesn't matter.  There's a storm coming so it must be global warming.  If there were a drought, it would be global warming.  If it rained heavily, it would be global warming.  If there were no storms, it would be global warming.  No matter what the weather, it's always due to global warming.

It's not mentioned anymore, but from 2005 to 2017 the USA went 12 years without getting hit with a major hurricane.  That was the longest stretch without such a hurricane in recorded history.  Prior to that, we had all been told that global warming would mean more frequent and stronger storms.  When there were no storms for a record period of time, however, the story changed, but not the reason.  The new line was that global warming would mean FEWER major storms.  In other words, the facts changed, but the explanation stayed the same.

Global warming/climate change has become a religion rather than a scientific theory.  No matter what the observations, the theory must be protected at all costs.  All we ever get is that Global warming works in mysterious ways.  In the 1990's, the USA put weather satellites into orbit that used instruments to get precise temperature data for the lower atmosphere.  After 2000, the data from these satellites showed no warming.  Fifteen years later there was still no warming.  The Global Warming crowd said that didn't matter; we had to look at surface data.  In 2004, the government weather service NOAA started keeping track of surface temperatures at literally hundreds of sites that were placed so that they would be unaffected by nearby activities.  The fifteen year data from this system was just released and it shows NO WARMING.  So both the atmosphere and the surface show no warming.  A real scientist would look at the data and conclude that all the computer models on which all global warming theory is based are incorrect.  Any theory that predicts one thing combined with observations that show the opposite cannot be correct.  But it doesn't matter for the devotees of climate change.  They BELIEVE that carbon dioxide will warm the atmosphere; they don't want to be bothered with facts.

So now we will get yet another dose of "there's a hurricane, so it must be global warming." 

Without a doubt, the earth has warmed a bit since the early 19th century when a three century cold period ended.  Most of the warming came before any possible effect from carbon dioxide levels.  We don't know what caused the warming.  It's not a difficult issue to understand.  Just look at the facts.  

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