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Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Usual Response

In the UK, Prime Minister Johnson moved to "suspend" Parliament and then to use up a bit of time with a speech by the Queen followed by debate.  The media is outraged that Johnson would make such a move.  How predictable!

What actually happened is this:  Johnson took over recently from Theresa May as prime minister.  By British tradition, a new prime minister's term begins with the Queen delivering a speech to Parliament in which the new government's plans are outlined.  That is followed by five days of mandatory debate.  This is nothing new; it has been this way for at least a century.  What Johnson has done, however, is to lengthen the recess of Parliament by two weeks so that the next session will be the Queen's speech.  The effect of this is that for the next six weeks, the opposition won't be able to act to try to stop Brexit.  Oh, the horror!  Of course, during half that time, Parliament was scheduled to be in recess anyway.

Of course, since the liberal media in Britain is thoroughly opposed to Brexit, they don't like any action which reduces the chance for it to be stopped.  As a result, they are attacking Johnson in much the same manner that American media attacks Trump.  In other words, they are using gross exaggerations and even lies to try to blacken his name.  The funny thing is that Britain finally has a PM who is willing to use his powers to try to get the measures he supports achieved.  Good for him.

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