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Friday, August 30, 2019

The Beginning of the End For Old Joe

It's hard to believe that Old Joe Biden could get worse on the campaign trail than he has been in the past, but things have gotten so bad that even the mainstream liberal media that normally covers for people like Joe is hitting him about it.  The other day, Biden gave a speech in which he conflated three stories, two of which had nothing to do with him, into a tale about how he went to a dangerous area to award a medal to a captain who had performed heroically.  The story Old Joe told to the crowd was so far from the truth, that the Washington Post, of all places, called him on it.  It was the kind of story that if Donald Trump had made the same sort of mistake, we would have seen three weeks of non-stop coverage about it.

That was bad enough, but here's what Biden said this afternoon.  He was talking about why we need to give citizenship to illegal aliens.  Biden actually said this:

"These kids who come, and they end up doing well, they become Americans before a lot of Americans become Americans.  No, I'm serious.."

So Old Joe thinks that the Americans who are Americans from birth don't become Americans as quickly as the illegals who sneak into the country.  Huh?  It's one thing to support citizenship for illegals.  That's a political dispute.  Biden advocates for that, and I don't agree with him; nor do most Americans according to the polls.  It's something completely different to announce that illegals become Americans before Americans become Americans.  That's just gibberish.  That's just a statement that indicates that Old Joe's brains are scrambled.  It's a very good indicator that this is not a guy whose finger should be on the nuclear trigger.

With the mainstream media turning on him and Old Joe continuing to act like someone in the early stages of Alzheimers, there's no way this guy will ever be elected president.

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