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Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Tale of Three Candidates

I watched a bit of President Trump's rally tonight in New Hampshire.  It was Trump's usual performance.  He had the crowd energized and enraptured.  He was informative an also humorous.  He was straightforward and interesting.  He went on and on and it was all a riff on his themes; he wasn't reading a prepared text.  Watching it, I couldn't help but think of two other news stories today about leading Democrat candidates.  First, Joe Biden's staff is floating the idea that Biden should cut way back on his campaigning and limit himself to events early in the day.  The idea is that Biden needs more rest than he has been getting in order to avoid more gaffes.  Also, Biden does better in the morning before he gets tired in the afternoon and evening.  Trump holds a masterful rally without gaffes, and Biden has to limit himself in order to try to reduce mistakes.  It's quite the contrast.

Then there's the coverage of Elizabeth Warren's rally today in New Hampshire.  The headlines say she had a massive rally.  In the text of the article, one finds that she had a few more than 500 people attend.  Trump drew about 25,000 people.  That's 50 people at the Trump rally for each one at the Warren rally, but the media call her rally "massive".  It's just more Fake News.

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