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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Call Their Bluff

Senator Patty Murray of Washington is the likely chair of the Senate Budget Committee in the next Congress. Murray, a Democrat, said today that she cannot commit to the senate passing a budget during the session that begins in January. It is time to call out the Senate Democrats for their illegal behavior.

The law currently requires the Senate and House to pass a budget each fiscal year. For the last two years, the House has passed a budget and sent it to the Senate. The Senate, however, has not passed a budget since 2009. If there is no budget in 2013, then it will make four years in a row that the senators have disregarded their legal obligations.

I suggest that the House Republicans announce a list of federal departments for which funding will not be approved unless and until there is a budget in place. The Democrats have to be forced to act in a responsible manner when it comes to spending. There should be a date given like April 15, 2013 for completion of the budget. Until then, there can be continuing resolutions for funding in order to allow time for completion of the budget. After that date, however, funds for part of the government should be cut off.

I truly believe that Americans understand the need for Congress to act in a responsible manner when it comes to spending taxpayers' money. We cannot go on just spending in a totally haphazard manner.

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