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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Modifying the Lies -- The Media Moves On

The AP released a story today about how Trump voters have reacted to the passage of the new tax law with shrugs and no enthusiasm.  It's a modification of the earlier lies that the media used to fight against passage of the tax bill.

A good example of this is the section in which the AP reporter asked Trump voters for their reaction to a bill which gives them just a small benefit while giving major benefits to the rich.  That's a dishonest question.  The new law gives about a quarter of its total benefits to middle income taxpayers.  Only business got a bigger portion of the benefits.  The wealthy individuals got less than either.  Looking at it another way, the top 10% of taxpayers currently pay about 72% of the income taxes in the USA.  The other 90% pay 28% of the income taxes.  That means that the middle income and poor are getting a much bigger share of the tax cuts than the rich.

Beyond the question being dishonest, however, the lies being used by the media are changing.  Prior to the passage of the bill, the media and the Democrats told America that the new law would raise taxes on the middle class to give benefits to the rich.  That was a total lie; the middle class gets major cuts not tax increases.  Now that the law has passed, however, the media/Democrat group changed the lie to the middle class getting only a small amount of cuts compared to the rich.  This group of consistent liars realized that come February, most Americans would see that they had gotten a major tax cut.  The media/Dems had to change the lie or risk being exposed for the liars they are.

The truth has not changed.  The tax law will cut taxes for 80% of Americans and leave 14% with no changes.  Only 6% of Americans, nearly all of whom are wealthy, will see increases.  The tax law will promote quicker economic growth; it will create jobs; it will mean higher wages; it will even increase government tax revenues as the economy gets bigger.  No lies, no matter how cleverly crafted can change these facts.  Americans should remember that the Democrats voted unanimously to keep them from getting a tax cut.  Americans should remember that Democrats voted unanimously for slower economic growth.  Americans should remember that Democrats voted unanimously for the creation of fewer jobs.  That's the truth.

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