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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Caterwauling about spending begins for real

The AP is out with a story this afternoon discussing at great length how the plan by House Republicans to return spending to 2008 levels will hurt millions of people. This is the opening salvo in the attempt by the media to paint the GOP as hard hearted skinflints who want to take away heated homes for the elederly and school lunches for the children. The only reasonable response is to use the line from Saturday Night Live, "Really!"

In 2009, Obama and the Democrats got total control of the government and ramped up spending to an unsustainable level. Absent serious cuts, we will all just watch the country go over a cliff as we spend ourselves into oblivion. Indeed, the 2008 spending levels were too high and obama just exploded them up by an enormous amount. Somehow, in 2008, people managed to heat their homes with fuel prices even higher than currently, kids ate school lunches and all sorts of federal programs operated not only to support the poor but also to give goodies to those who truly did not need them.

Hopefully, the public will understand that there is an urgent need to cut spending and they will continue to support those who call for fiscal responsibility. The USA can no longer just borrow in order to spend more. Just imagine what would happen if the media were suddenly to explain the likely consequences of continuing the out-of-control spending of obama and the Obamacrats. (OK, the media would never do that. It would conflict with their campaign to help the progressives.)

The battle over spending is going to be long and difficult. People are going to have to sacrifice some of their favorite perks from the government. We can no longer pay for loony research grants to social "scientists" to examine the sex lives of college students. We may all need to pay more to use the National Parks. NASA may have to pull back on its mission to make contact with the Muslim world and instead concentrate its efforts on space exploration. The Department of Energy may have to start working on increasing domestic energy supplies through private development rather than on spending funds for preventing new sources from being developed.

Who knows! Maybe someday the media will actually get it. (I am an incurable optimist.)

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