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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From Hojo to Nojo

As part of my efforts to keep up to date with all things political, I am on a long list of political groups who send me their e-mail. In Connecticut, one of the favorite targets of the left has been Democrat senator Joe Lieberman. Because he supported Bush on Iraq and then endorsed McCain for president, the level of vitriol from the left against Lieberman has been intense. Perhaps the best illustration has comes from the group (you know who you are) that refers to Lieberman as Hojo (not a reference to the old Howard Johnsons but rather calling Lieberman a whore.)

Suddenly today, Lieberman has announced that he will not seek re-election to the senate in 2012. The response has been comical. First, I read a piece on Slate from a Connecticut author who explains why she detests Joe. Amazingly, she starts out by proclaiming that her views and his are very close on nearly every issue. Then comes the typical leftwing vitriol about Lieberman and Bush and McCain. Her views are completely irrational. The rest of the response has come in three e-mails that I received from three different groups who are using the retirement as a fund raising opportunity. "Contribut now to make sure we get the senator we need in 2012," they scream.

I think we need to take a moment first and say thank you to Joe Lieberman for his service. I certainly did not always or even frequently agree with his views. I did know, however, that unlike many of his fellow senators, Lieberman was prepared to stand up for what he thought was right and good for the country even if it was not popular back in Connecticut. A few more senators like that and few less who read polls before voting each time would do the country a lot of good.

Thanks Joe.

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