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Monday, January 31, 2011

Obamacare Falls

today's decision by judge Roger Vinson holding Obamacare unconstitutional is a major blow to the proponents of that statute. the judge held the individual mandate to be beyond the power of the federal government and also held that the mandate was so intertwined with the rest of the law that the whole thing has to fall. Accordingly, he declared the entire law invalid as unconstitutional.

The feds are obligated to obey this ruling, although they will surely appeal it. During the appeal, there will likely be a stay of the effect of the law. Nevertheless, this is the first court that struck down the entire law.

Having read all four decisions to date, I have to say that in my opinion, the anti-Obamacare forces have the better argument. My opinioin, however, will not matter to the Supreme Court. My guess is that there is a 5-4 decision down the road determining the fate of Obamacare once and for all.

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