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Monday, October 29, 2012

Eight Days Left

The election will be in just eight days. This morning, I actually read a serious discussion about whether or not hurricae Sandy will help or hurt president Obama in the voting. There are scores of discussions about polls and trends. There are tons of articles about Romney's expanding the playing field to new states and whether that is a good strategy. What is so striking about all this to me is that there are painfully few articles and little discussion about the policies that Romney or Obama would follow once elected. Romney gave a major speech on economic policy, but the coverage is all about polls and tactics. It seems as if the media is writing only for political junkies like me and not for voters who may still need to decide. Those folks are left to the TV ads that hardly convey much in 30 seconds as a source of information.

Now you may say that by this point in the campaign, anyone who is still undecided has only themselves to blame for not paying attention. That may be true, but these are still people who will vote and, in this year, who may actually pick the next president. Shouldn't these people have full information when they do vote?

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