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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Watching a Sinking Ship

President Obama's job approval numbers have declined by 7% in the Gallup poll over the last few days. In the Rasmussen poll, the decline has been by 6%. The most interesting thing, however, is that almost no one has explained the clear reason for the decline. I can sum it up in one word: BENGHAZI.

The last five days have seen the terror attack in Benghazi change from a story about why Obama and the White House lied for so long about this being a terror attack to a much bleaker story line for Obama. The issue now is why Obama ignored repeated requests for assistance by the embassy DURING the attack and why Obama prevented assistance from the military to the annex of the embassy which was under attack a few hours later. Indeed, half of the deaths of Americans occured in the attack on the annex fully eight hours after the initial attack on the embassy. It is undisputed that the USA had capability to get military forces into place to defend the embassy and the annex within just an hour or two of the start of the attack. Instead, Obama did nothing. As president of the United States, his most important responsibility is to defend America and keep it safe, but Obama did nothing to help these Americans under fire. For Obama, the risk that something might go wrong and thereby harm his re-election effort was much bigger than the loss of a few diplomats or CIA personnel.

Fortunately, the country does not agree with Obama. We think that Obama had to try to defend these folks when they were attacked by the terrorists. We think that any consideration by Obama that his re-election was more important than the lives of our fellow countrymen is disgusting. This is why Obama's job approval is tanking.

And it is going to get worse! Right now, much of the media is still ignoring this story. They cannot keep it up, however. The parents of two of the men who were killed are speaking out; their words will be heard, and not just on Fox News and talk radio. These parents will speak and America is hearing them.

If there was any doubt before, there can be none now: Obama does not deserve to be president.

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