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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yeah, That's the Ticket

Jon Lovitz used to play a character on Saturday Night Live who was a pathological liar. He would say a lie and then ponder the statement. Then he would say, "yeah, that's the ticket," and follow up with more and more outrageous lies until the story broke down.

I was reminded of the Lovitz character today when I read that the White House now says that president Obama did not know about the requests for added security at the Benghazi embassy where terrorists murdered the American ambassador and three other Americans last month. Indeed, Obama is criticizing Romney for "politicizing" the situation.

All I can say is "What a crock!" Let's look at reality:

1) On September 11th, a group of about 75 armed men stormed the US embassy in Benghazi, Libya. They were armed with rocket propelled grenades, machine guns and mortars, among other weapons. According to witnesses at the site, the attack was sudden; all was quiet moments before the attack began. Within hours, four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya were murdered.

2) President Obama was awakened when the attack began in Benghazi and informed of the situation. He then went back to bed. When he arose a few hours later, he left the White House to attend a fund raiser in Las Vegas.

3) On the day of the attack the White House told America that the attack in Benghazi was the result of a youtube video which supposedly insulted the prophet Mohammed. In the days that followed the attack, the government of Libya announced that the attack had been a premeditated terror attack by an affiliate of al Qaeda. Nevertheless, nearly a week after the attack, Obama sent UN ambassador Susan Rice onto five different television shows to repeat the assertion that "there was no indication whatsoever" that the attack was premeditated or that it involved terrorists. America was told again by Obama that the attack was the result of anger over a youtube video.

4) More than a week after the attack, Obama himself went on The View and told the ladies that he did not know if terror groups were involved but that the matter was being investigated. He also said that the video was to blame once again.

5) Finally, Obama acknowledged what everyone else in the world already knew: the attack was a premeditated terror attack by al Qaeda to mark the 9-11 anniversary. It only took a week and a half for that admission to come out.

So why would Obama spend a week and a half trying to conceal the true nature of the attack? Why didn't he use the attack to rally America to confront the terrorists? The answer is because he was warned ahead of time about the danger of attack and DID NOTHING TO STOP IT! Obama's conduct was so bad that it could even undermine his re-election bid. So, even after admitting that terror groups were involved, Obama continued to change stories.

1) Three weeks ago, we were told by the Obama administration that two days prior to the attack, there had been a meeting in the oval office at which security for American installations during 9-11 had been discussed in detail. We were told that the Benghazi installation was specifically covered. Then all hell broke loose.

2) It leaked out that prior to 9-11, the Benghazi embassy had specifically been told by local sources that there was a danger of attack on 9-11. That report was passed back to Washington and the State Department says that it passed word to the White House. Let's make this clear. OBAMA WAS WARNED PRIOR TO THE ATTACK THAT IT WAS COMING!!!!! So what did Obama do? NOTHING!!!!!

3) So now, Obama is trying to protect himself by blaming the State Department. Like Sargeant Schultz on the old Hogan's Heroes show, Obama's new mantry is "I knew nothing! I saw nothing! I heard nothing!" We are to believe that Obama was not told about the risk in Benghazi and that somehow the State Department failed to pass on the information. As Jon Lovitz would say, "yeah, that's the ticket."

The truth is that Obama was warned about danget to our embassy in Libya and did nothing. As a result four Americans died. That is terrible, but it is not the worst. No, the worst is that rather than accepting responsibility for his failure, Obama is trying to lie his way out of the situation. Obama is blaming the State Department for the mess. But America has already seen Obama spend a week and a half trying to lie about what actually happened in Benghazi. Now he has moved on to lying about what he knew. It is a disgusting mess.

I cannot end without mentioning again that Obama is attacking Romney for politicizing this issue. We have a president who lies to the American people about what happened in Benghazi, then lies about what he was told ahead of time, then falsely blames the State Department for something he knows it did not do, all the while taking no action to bring the perpetrators of the murder to justice. This is a man who is not fit to hold the office of president. But Obama, nevertheless, criticizes Romney for politicizing the issue. I think that this time, the American people will realize that Obama's incompetence is a very important issue in this election and that it has to be discussed.

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