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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Who Are These People??

After nearly four years of president Obama and vice president Biden with a lengthy campaign before that, I figured that I knew who they were. Now, I have seen something that makes me question that belief. If anything, Biden is worse than I thought (and that is pretty bad.)

According to the father of one of the former navy seals who was killed in Benghazi, Biden came over to him at the airport ceremony where his dead son's casket was being brought back for burial and said this to the father and his family: “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?"

We are living in a country where the media and big chunks of society go into hysteria because a senate candidate in Indiana says that if a pregnancy results from rape it is the will of God. Indeed, after that remark, it seemed as if MSNBC went into round the clock coverage of nothing else. Biden, however, goes to a man in mourning who is at the airport to see the body of his dead son arrive back on American soil and says: “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?" Where is the coverage? Where is the outrage?

Does Biden get a pass because everyone thinks he is an idiot? Does Biden get a pass because he said this incredibly offensive remark just to a grieving parent and not at a political interview? Can it really be that Americans would condone this level of stupidity from a national figure?

Benghazi and the aftermath has handled in a terrible way by Obama. All America got was a pack of lies about a youtube video. As the truth has trickled out we have learned that it was not just lies that were the problem. Obama himself seems to have denied help to Americans under attack because it conflicted with his re-election message.

Obama and Biden have both got to go!!!!!!!!!

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