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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

You Really Have to Laugh

There's an article in Vox this afternoon called: 

Elizabeth Warren’s once-promising, now-imperiled campaign, explained

It's hysterical if you think about it for a moment.  The Vox "expert" tells us what went wrong for Warren.  The truth is that this moron has no idea what happened.  Instead of writing a 3000 word article, he could have just said, "No one likes her."

I mean just think about the prospect of sitting down with Elizabeth Warren at a dinner table.  Would you want to eat with her?  Would you want to hear all her negative views, all of her endless anger, all of her attacks on people who haven't done anything wrong but go about their daily life trying to do the best for their families?  I know I wouldn't.

So if Warren is unappealing as a person, how in the world did anyone think she could win the election.  After all, few things in life are more revealing of the true nature of a person than a run for the White House.  They had to know that the inner Warren would come out and that everyone would then run for the hills.

To be fair, those angry leftists who are just a sour on life as Warren would probably still like her.  There just aren't enough of those poor souls for Warren to win.

Wow.  That's a lot shorter than the Vox article.  The simple truth is that Elizabeth Warren is an unappealing human being.  Enough said.

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