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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

All Tuckered Out

There is no bigger idiot in the media today than Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. Indeed, using her name and constitution in the same sentence seems like an affront to the US constitution. Tucker finds race and racism as the root cause of every issue. She is hyper partisan; I think in her mind the only good Republican is one who votes for the Democrats. She regularly writes columns accusing Republicans of all sorts of nefarious deeds. Now, however, she has outdone herself. The lead to her latest column starts this way:

"There is simply no modern precedent for the behavior of Republicans in the U.S. Senate. They are not only hyper-partisan, but they are also petty, petulant and unpatriotic, willing to jeopardize national security if they think they can hurt President Obama. Witness their growing resistance to a nuclear pact with Russia, the New START treaty."

So, if senators do their job of considering and discussing a proposed new treaty that will clearly affect US security, they are unpatriotic. UNPATRIOTIC!!! The only proper description for this woman is an old legal term that I learned in law school. She is a narrow minded idiot. she ought to be ashamed of herself. Here she is an unquestioning supporter of Obama who was bringing a new era of bipartisanship to Washington. While we all know that Obama's promise on that front was just so much campaign blather, even Obama himself has never accused those who disagree with him of being unpatriotic just because of the opposition. No, that takes the narrow minded idiot Cynthia Tucker.

Cynthia, maybe you recall the famous quote that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels? It was said with folks like you in mind.

I am not even going to discuss in detail the merits of the START Treaty. It is of minor importance in today's world. It basically calls for the US to cut its nuclear arsenal and for Russia to freeze its arsenal at current levels. since the Russians have been reducing their arsenal since they have not had the funds to expand it, the treaty gets the US nothing. Indeed, all that the treaty accomplishes is to put in place a "victory" for Obama and to have a symbolic move forward in nuclear arms control. Of course, the control is not on Iran or North Korea or any of the other powers who are trying to get nukes. Instead, it focuses on the remnanat of the nuclear forces of the old Soviet Union which have been kept under control by the Russians and which have been diminishing on their own.

It seems to me that there is much to discuss about this treaty. For those in the Senate who do discuss it, I say more power to you. I also have two words for Cynthia Tucker, but I will let you all guess what two words they are.

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