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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's just the Weather!

Here in connecticut, we are still digging out from the two feet of snow that the latest storm dropped over the weekend. Temperatures have been cold and we have had more snow than normal for the past few winters. All this leads to dissapointment. I thought that we were soon going to have a climate more like that in Orlando than the one in Minneapolis; it was the promise of global warming. There would be the downside of more major hurricanes hitting our shores, but that was a small price to pay for the pleasant warm weather all year. Oh, there were, of course, no hurricanes that hit the US mainland this past year, despite the dire warnings of the global warming crowd. While this seems puzzling, I read an explanation that the cooling is actually due to global warming. It seems like everything is the result of global warming. There was nothing interesting to watch on TV last night -- it was the fault of global warming. Al Gore is a blowhard -- it was the fault of global warming. (Wait, in fairness, Gore has been a blowhard for as long as I can recall, even long before anyone was talking about global warming -- maybe the warming just made things worse.)

The real truth is that we still have no acceptable proof that global warming even exists. We know that hte basic data used by by the warming alarmist crowd came from East Anglia University and it was "adjusted" to reach the desired result. Why is it that no one is redoing the research without the predetermined adjustments so that we can see if warming even exists?

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