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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Another Busy Day For Iran And Its Allies

It has been a busy day in the Middle East, especially for the forces of Iran and its allies.  Just after midnight, Israeli forces struck a large number of targets in Syria where the Shiite militias controlled by Iran were preparing to launch a drone attack on Israel.  The drones were to drop explosives across Israeli civilian targets.  The Israeli attack neutralized that effort which had been monitored for months by Israeli intelligence.  The Assad regime said that it shot down the Israeli missiles, but that claim was belied by the many reports of explosions at the military depots operated by the militias.  Of course, the Assad regime is not known for its honesty.

Meanwhile, in Beirut, the main broadcasting studios of Hezbollah, the terrorists controlled by Iran were blown up.  The Lebanese said that it was an Israeli drone attack, but that is unconfirmed.  Given that the attack took place in the early morning hours when the studio was not in use, it does seem likely that it was an Israeli attack rather than a rival Arab group (who would have more likely struck when the studio was full of people.)

In Iraq, another militia base being used to assemble and ship missiles by Iran to Hezbollah was attacked and destroyed.  The local Shiite/Iranian leader blamed the explosion on an Israeli drone being operated with the cooperation of the US forces in Iraq.  That claim was denied by the Pentagon spokesman.

It's not clear what has happened in each of these cases.  It is clear, however, that this has been a bad day on many fronts for Iran and its lackeys.

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