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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A Different Kind Of State Of The Union

Tonight's State of the Union address by President Trump was the latest in a long line of these annual addresses, but this one was different for a number of reasons.

First, the State of the Union is usually described by the media covering the speech as a "laundry list" of proposals that the president of the day is pushing.  The president lays out his proposals, and after the speech, the Congress usually ignores whatever it is that he requests.  President Trump's speech was more a list of what has already been accomplished combined with where he wants to go.  It put the Democrats in the hall in a terrible spot.  Think about it.  President Trump touted the fact that African American and Hispanic unemployment are both at all time lows.  The Republicans applauded and the Democrats just sat there.  If you were an African American voter watching on TV, what would you think that the Democrats wouldn't applaud for record low black unemployment?  The president said that 10 million people are off welfare and six million off food stamps because they are working or getting higher pay.  The Democrats just sat there; there was no applause from them.  What if you were one of those people who now has a good enough job to no longer need welfare or food stamps?  What would you think about the Democrats?  There were many such moments in the speech.  Major achievements for our country saw scenes of the Republicans cheering and the Democrats sitting on their hands.  We all understand that the Democrats don't like the President, but why does that mean that they don't like achievements for the USA that Trump brought about?

Another example of Democrats sitting on their hands came when the President spoke about the investment being put into urban areas through new tax provisions championed by senator Tim Scott of SC.  This pumped billions of dollars into poor urban communities.  Trump even introduced a guy who benefited directly from this program.  He was a former drug addict who now runs a trade business.  He was the quintessential embodiment of the American dream, a comeback story based upon opportunity and hard work.  He should have been a hero to the Democrats, but they just sat there silently.

Even when the Democrats cheered, they were almost always showing disdain.  President Trump pointed out a woman and her son who had lost their husband/father to a roadside bomb in Iraq that had been supplied by the Iranian Qods force under the control of terrorist general Soleimani.  It was heart-breaking to watch the obvious pain of these two at the loss of their loved one.  When the President then said that he had ordered the strike that killed Soleimani, Nancy Pelosi gave some lackadaisical applause indicating that she could not care less about this.  It was not the image she should be projecting to Americans.

Second, the strange and hostile attitude of the Democrats permeated the room.  It began when Pelosi stood up to introduce the President.  By tradition, the Speaker is to say, "I have the high honor and distinct privilege to introduce the President of the United States."  Pelosi just said "Ladies and Gentlement, the president of the United States."  She couldn't bring herself to say it was and honor or a privilege to introduce the president.  Most likely, very few people watching noticed this change from custom, but it was jarring to me.  After years of hearing the left criticize Trump as unpresidential, this was a moment that surely qualified as "unspeakerish".  (Okay, so I made up that word.)

When Trump finished speaking, Pelosi stood up behind him and prominently tore up her copy of the speech.  It was a petty act that showed just how little class she has.

Third, the President took over many issues to the chagrin of the Democrats.  Trump made clear he is protecting Medicare and Social Security, despite constant lies from the Democrats about that.  He said that he would protect the American healthcare system from the Socialist takeover that over half the Democrats in the House support.  He made clear that he would not accept any change that did not protect people with pre-existing conditions.  Much of the current Democrat campaign for president consists of this candidate or that candidate saying that the Republicans want to hurt people with pre-existing conditions, a claim that is untrue.

This really was a speech that showed Trump working for Americans, for ALL Americans, and achieving great results.  Contrast that against the petty Democrats in their white suits that looked like Klan robes without hoods, and the effect was major.  Trump's message was I care about everyone.  The Democrats gave the opposite message; they said, "we don't care about you if that might show Trump in a good light."

As I write this, the governor of Michigan is giving the Democrat response.  My guess is that very few people are watching that.  Nothing she says will change anything we all just saw.

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