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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why Stop There?

Tom Steyer has a problem.  So far he's spent more than two hundred million dollars of his own money in his presidential campaign.  In Iowa and New Hampshire combined he got about 13,000 votes.  That' a little over $15000 per vote.  Tom is getting desperate to try to figure out a way to attract attention.  His latest stunt is to announce that once elected president, he will get enacted a national minimum wage of $22 per hour.

My question for Steyer is "why did you stop at only $22 per hour?"

Think about it.  Why not set the minimum wage at $100 per hour, or $10,000 per hour?  Wouldn't it be nice to come home after a 40 hour week with four hundred thousand dollars?  Work a full year for over 20 million bucks!  Hey, why not make it $100,000 per hour?  That would make nearly everyone in the entire country a billionaire in just a few years.  It would give Bernie Sanders a mental breakdown.

Obviously, were the minimum wage to rise to $22, we would get one of two results:

1.  There would be extreme inflation as prices rose to cover the huge cost increase for labor.

2.  America's economy would crash.  Jobs would be moved abroad to get cheaper labor costs.  Businesses in the USA would close since they would be unable to afford the higher wages.  The decline in employment and economic activity would bring on a long term depression.

Steyer knows this.  He's not only a bad candidate; he's a bad person.

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