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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Media Hype

It never fails to amaze just how much hype the media can put into a really minor event.

Bernie Sanders won the NH primary.  It was extremely close between Bernie and Mayor Pete.  Amy Klobuchar wasn't that far behind.  In Iowa, Sanders and Buttigieg won.  In neither state did Bernie or Pete get even 30% of the vote.  In other words, in these two small states the people who voted were pretty evenly split and a tiny plurality picked Bernie.  That's it!  Bernie is now the national front runner in the Democrat nomination race.  What utter nonsense.

The importance of NH is not who won.  Rather, it is important because of who lost.  Warren and Biden fell apart.  NH was the best state possible for Warren aside from Massachusetts.  She started with the bulk of the NH Dems knowing her from the Boston media that blankets the state.  Biden started with nearly universal name recognition from his years as VP.  In both their cases, for NH voters, to know them was NOT to love them.  Bernie also had an underperformance of a sort.  Four years ago, he got a large majority of the vote in NH.  Last night he struggled to get a quarter of the vote.  That means that something over half of his supporters from four years ago abandoned Bernie.

One thing that you may not know:  the candidate with the most votes yesterday in NH was President Trump.  Even without a race on the GOP side, Trump got way more votes than any Democrat.

But I guess the media will stick to its narrative.  NH was a big deal for Bernie Sanders, (except it wasn't).