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Friday, February 7, 2020

The Latest Democrat Debate

Tonight was the latest Democrat debate.  I tried three times, but I just couldn't watch it.  The first time I tuned in, Old Joe Biden was shouting out a response about Bernie Sanders and gun controls.  I lasted 40 seconds.  At that point, it was clear that someone had told Old Joe to step up the volume to show he was still alive.  All that happened was that Joe still seemed incoherent, but he was shouting too.  It was too painful to watch Joe Biden make a total fool out of himself.  I turned off the debate.

About 15 minutes later, I tried again.  This time I got Bernie Sanders on what seemed like an angry rant.  Bernie is angry about everything, always.  It has truly gotten old, very old.  I couldn't take it.  I switched after 30 seconds.

The last time I tried, I tuned in to hear Tom Steyer say that all the candidates agreed on gun control, abortion and climate change.  He said that the Democrats had to win on the economy.  That was enough.  I couldn't take it any more.

I watched a rerun of NCIS Los Angeles.  I'd actually seen it before, but it was still much better than watching a bunch of fools scream at each other.

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