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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Spinning Defeat the Mainstream Media Way

President Trump was just acquitted by the Senate.  The impeachment circus is over.

So after a win by Trump, how does the media portray this?  Politico rushed out an article saying that although he was acquitted, Trump didn't get what he wanted.  That's right, even though Trump won, Politico says he lost.  Why, you might ask?  It's because Mitt Romney voted on the first article to convict Trump of abuse of power.  Oh no!  It was therefore a bipartisan vote to convict, and Politico says this is a disaster for the President.

Think about that.  The Senate needed to have 67 votes to convict Trump but only 48 senators voted to convict.  More than that -- 52 -- voted to acquit.  In the spin from Politico, this is a loss.

I wonder if the people who wrote this article actually believe any of this stuff.  Are they that far gone from reality?

Lest you think that this is just Politico, you should know that the New York Times started its coverage of the acquittal discussing how Mitt Romney voted to convict rather than how Trump had been acquitted.  It seems the disease of left wing lunacy cannot be contained.

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