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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Yang is Out; So Is Bennet -- For Old Joe and Warren It's Just a Matter of Time

Let me start with the big news:  senator Bennet of Colorado dropped out of the Democrat race for president tonight.  Oh, the horror!  Okay, so no one actually knew that Bennet was running.  Andrew Yang dropped out too.  The Yang Gang is gone. And remember, as of the moment with 70% of the NH vote counted, Yang got more votes than Tulsi Gabbard or Tom Steyer.  Shouldn't they be dropping out too?  Do Gabbard and Steyer really think that winning 2% of the total vote is enough?  That can't be; they're not idiots.

And how about Joe Biden?  Here's a guy who was the media proclaimed front runner for the last year.  Poll after poll has Biden in the lead across the nation.  In NH, he finished fifth and couldn't even get 10% of the total vote.  That's not bad; it's much much worse than bad.  It's a soul crushing defeat.  It's the kind of defeat that could only be inflicted by a platoon of lying dog faced pony soldiers.  And remember Biden did really poorly in Iowa too.  Maybe Biden will try to hang on until he wins in South Carolina.  But what if the Biden vote in SC collapses?  At that point, Biden can withdraw from the race and move directly to the home.

And let's not forget Elizabeth Warren.  She's from Massachusetts.  More than half the folks who voted today in NH get their local news from Boston and they see Warren on TV all the time.  They know her.  She also couldn't break 10%.  If she can't get her neighbors to vote for her, how is she going to win in places like Alabama or Montana or Ohio?  It seems her true nature of being a total phony has broken through and was recognized by the NH voters.

None of these candidates are going anywhere.  At least Yang and Bennet had the guts to recognize reality.

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