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Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Polling Must Be Really Bad

At the end of last year, a new law went into effect in New York State.  It's one that the Democrats had tried for years to pass, but the GOP had blocked.  After the Democrats took control of the state senate in the 2018 elections, they finally passed what they call "bail reform".  It's a "fairness" measure that says those arrested for misdemeanors and non-violent felonies cannot be required to post bail for release; instead, they are to be released upon their promise to come back for trial.  When the law went into effect, there were some immediate high profile cases of criminals being arrested only to be immediately released, followed by the same criminals being arrested again within a day for committing other crimes.  The liberal Democrat establishment scoffed at the idea that this was a problem.  Too many of the criminals held without being able to post bail were black, so the new law was really combating racism.  The new law, they said, was "enlightened."

In January, there was a sudden jump in the crime level in New York.  In New York City, some types of crimes were up by more than 25% over the previous year.  The liberal establishment kept up the line that it was an unrelated statistical aberration.  They basically chanted, "Nothing to see here, move on."

Well, yesterday, New York City mayor Bill DeBlasio said in an interview that he agrees that the major jump in crime in the city is real and it is due to the change in the bail law passed by the state legislature.  Notice how DeBlasiio is already blaming Albany for the problem, even though he pushed for passage of the law for years.

The polling must have been completed on this issue.  No doubt, the citizens of New York are furious at the inevitable results of a law that says criminals will just be released if arrested.  Indeed, we already knew that outside New York City the polling showed a major revulsion at the new law, but now there must be results inside the city too.

With 2020 being a presidential year, New York will almost certainly vote Democrat in November.  It would be hysterical (and fitting) if the state senate were to flip back to the Republicans anyway as a result of the Democrats' idiocy in passing their bail reform nonsense.

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