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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Rush Limbaugh Gets Abuse

I just saw an excerpt from a CNN Town Hall tonight on which Old Joe Biden was asked about Rush Limbaugh being awarded the Medal of Freedom during the State of the Union address.  Biden gave a semi-coherent answer, something that is not unusual.  What was clear, however, was that Biden saw fit to call Rush Limbaugh a racist who has spent 30 years spewing racism on the radio.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said something similar last night after the speech.  Many other Democrats chimed in to call Limbaugh a racist.  The problem, of course, is that this is a lie.

I have listened to Rush Limbaugh for at least 20 years.  I don't listen every day or for more than a half hour at a time, but I have heard enough of Rush to have a very good idea who he is and what he says.  Rush Limbaugh is not a racist.  In all these years, I've never once heard him say anything racist.  Oh, Limbaugh has had some bad things to say about particular African Americans, that's for sure.  Rush has often criticized Al Sharpton, that's something I heard often.  But the criticism wasn't based upon race; for Rush, Sharpton would be a charlatan no matter his skin color.  Rush also often criticized the policies of Barack Obama, but that's just political debate, not racism.  The problems with the Obama policies were their content, not the color of Obama's skin.

It's a terrible thing for all these Democrats to falsely accuse Limbaugh of racism, but it's much worse than is obvious because Rush just learned that he has advanced lung cancer.  So the Democrats have decided to falsely attack a dying man because he disagrees with their politics.  This says so much more about the Democrats than it does about Limbaugh.  These people are angry scum overcome with their hatred for anyone who doesn't agree with them.  

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