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Friday, February 28, 2020

Take A Deep Breath

I'm angry.  I just listened to news reports from CBS and read articles from other mainstream media sources and saw messages from the Democrat candidates, all about the corona virus.  These people seem to be working a full blast to try to make this into a full scale panic.

Here's an example:  At 8:25, the CBS market reporter said that the market futures were holding at about down a bit less than half a percent where, he said, they had been for hours.  Five minutes later, the network put on a report about how the markets were continuing to "collapse".  The reporter could hardly catch his breath; he seemed in a panic.  Half a percent decline is hardly a collapse.  Sure, it comes after days of bad numbers, but it seemed more like the start of a pause.

Other sources are talking about the virus in apocalyptic terms.  Someone in NY is being tested for the virus.  OH NO!!!  They still don't know where one patient in California caught the disease.  Oh NO!!

Elizabeth Warren says we are in the midst of a "market crash" and a calamitous pandemic.  She's doing what she can to panic people.

Look. the corona virus is bad; no sane person would deny the possibilities.  It's not that bad, however.  Instead of generating panic, the media should be reporting information to educate people as to how to try to prevent the spread of the disease should it come to that.  Politicians should be trying to encourage people, not panic them.

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