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Monday, February 3, 2020

What Could Be More Appropriate

Four years ago at this time of night, more than 95% of the vote in the Democrat caucus in Iowa was tallied.  Tonight, the total reported vote is zero.  That's right, not a single vote has been announced.  The Iowa Democrats say it is due to "quality control issues."

So what happened?  Did the Russians rig the results?  Did the DNC rig the results so that Bernie would lose.  Nope.  What actually is causing the delay is that the Iowa Democrats developed an app for smart phones that allows the head of each caucus to send in the results electronically over the internet.  There's just one problem:  the app doesn't seem to be working correctly.  Many precincts have been unable to log into the system.  Some others logged in but the system wouldn't take the results.  There's a "hot line" for the caucus leaders to call to get technical assistance with the phone app.  The problems are so great, however, that no one can get through on the hot line.

Think about this.  The Democrats who want to run the US government can't even set up a system to count the votes in their own caucuses. Instead, by delaying the results, they make sure that anyone who loses is going to think that the results were rigged.

After three plus years of Democrat lies and hoaxes, it couldn't happen to a more deserving group than this.

By the way, there was no real contest, but the Republican results were in long ago.  Trump won.

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