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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Putting The Angry in Angry Bernie

In a rather funny twist, Bernie Sanders is getting majorly steamed because the media is treating him a bit like President Trump.  Bernie can't take it.

Here are some examples:

1.  According to reports in the New York Post, Bernie went ballistic prior to the Nevada Democrat debate the other day at the people from MSNBC who were there for the event.  Bernie screamed at the head of MSNBC for that network's "unfair" coverage of his campaign.  Apparently, Bernie was incensed that Chris Matthews attacked Bernie's socialist beliefs as something he (Matthews) didn't like. At least that was one of the items Bernie mentioned in his rant at the head of MSNBC.  Bernie also screamed at Chuck Todd (from MSNBC) that Bernie knew that Todd would ask him unfair questions at the debate.  Bernie also was upset that Todd had criticized the tactics used by the Bernie Bros online when someone disparaged Bernie.  In short, Bernie went ballistic because MSNBC said some negative things about him.

For those who are unaware, MSNBC regularly calls President Trump insane, an idiot, a racist, a homophobe, a danger to humanity, and the like.  People who support Trump are called Nazis, white supremacists, uneducated, hicks, and all manner of nasty names.  Trump takes this and responds in public by calling out that network (and others) as fake news.  Bernie, apparently, is too thin skinned to deal with criticism that is mild compared to what MSNBC throws at Trump.

2.  The Washington Post reported that Bernie had been briefed by the intelligence agencies that Russia was helping his campaign in 2020.  It was the same tactic that the media used to attack President Trump in 2016-19.  In fact, the NY Times tried to revive the Russia hoax just the day prior to the WaPo story on Bernie.  Trump laughed at it at his latest rally in Las Vegas last night.  Bernie, on the other hand, got incensed that the Post would say something like this.  Bernie can't take one article without losing it; Trump has taken an endless four year attack and is still laughing at it.

So, which of these two do you want facing America's enemies:  the angry man with the emotional maturity of a two year old, or President Trump?

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