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Saturday, February 29, 2020


Old Joe Biden has won the South Carolina primary by a big margin and the media is already talking about whether or not Mike Bloomberg will drop out.  What complete nonsense.

First, Biden just won his first contest after losing in Iowa (4th), New Hampshire (5th)  and Nevada (2d).  This is hardly the rebirth of his campaign.  He's not dead, but he's hardly moving out to the front.  Biden only won in SC because, for the first time, there were a majority of black voters going to the polls.  That demography will be in place in only one of the 14 states that vote next Tuesday.  It's quite a stretch to think that Biden's doing well in SC means that he will come in strong across all 14 of those states.

Second, the polls in all the Tuesday states have Biden leading in only 2.  Sanders is up in most of the rest with Klobuchar ahead in Minnesota.  It's hard to believe that a win on a Saturday night will change the votes of millions of people two days later.

The mindless media ought to be more honest with its viewers.  Instead of using the last vote to indicate what will necessarily happen the following week in a different state, it might be nice if these geniuses didn't just jump to conclusions based upon what they heard last.

It's worth remembering the GOP primary in South Carolina in 2012.  In that race, Newt Gingrich won a blow out victory over Mitt Romney and others.  Newt's margin was much like Biden's this year.  After that Gingrich didn't win another state and soon dropped out of the race.

Biden deserves kudos for winning.  That's all.  When he wins a batch more states (if he ever does), there will be time enough for predicting where the entire nomination race is going.  Right now, it's way too soon.

One last note:  this is the third time Biden has run for president.  Tonight was the very first primary or caucus that Joe has ever won.

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