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Thursday, February 4, 2016

More Boos For Hillary

On Monday, the crowd at Sanders' headquarters in Des Moines broke into a chant of "she's a liar" when Hillary appeared on TV to speak to her supporters.  Tonight at the Democrat debate, the crowd booed Hillary when she stated that Sanders was "smearing" her by calling her part of the Democrat establishment just because she has taken tens of millions of dollars from Wall Street insiders, has been in government in Washington for most of her life and is the chosen candidate of nearly all the party insiders.  It was a silly claim by Clinton, but the response was more telling than the stupid claim.  The Sanders' voters truly don't like Hillary.

One truly has to wonder how Clinton will get the Democrat base to come out an vote if there is such a big chunk that detests her.  Sanders, after all, beat her by more than 70% among voters under 30 in Iowa.  There won't be crowds of young people working for Hillary's election.  To them, she's just another corrupt Washington insider who cannot seem to tell the truth and who is more interested in lining her own pockets than accomplishing anything for the country.


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