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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Humor of the Day

I just read the latest "column" by Sally Kohn at CNN.  As usual, Kohn is long on talking points and short on truth.  Today's message is that both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders "won" in Iowa while the Republicans lost. 

Hillary won because she survived Iowa without being humiliated like Obama did to her in 2008, or so says Sally.  Apparently, Kohn didn't see the video of the packed Sanders' headquarters watching Hillary speak on TV.  As Hillary spoke, the Sanders' supporters spontaneously broke into chants of "she's a liar."  Think about that.  The likely candidate for president is speaking and activist members of her own party are chanting "she's a liar."  That doesn't sound like much of a "win" to me.  Even if Hillary beats Sanders (which is far from certain), she is going to have a really hard time getting any support from the Bernie crowd which rejects her as dishonest.

By the way, Kohn says that Republicans lost because Cruz came in first and Trump second.  That's some deep analysis. 

The real point to remember out of Iowa is that there was an all time record number of GOP voters who turned out.  The Democrat caucuses drew about 35% fewer voters than 2008, the last contested caucus.  What that ought to tell people is that, no matter what Sally Kohn thinks, it seems that Republicans in Iowa are more likely to vote this year than Democrats.  Since Iowa is one of those swing states that went twice for Obama, we may be seeing it swing back towards the Republicans this year.


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